hello everybody. this is the first post. feed da pigeons will be my london experience blog, as i will be in london for 1 year for a MA at Goldsmiths- cross sectoral and community arts. i will leave ro on 18 october, but i guess the preparing process is also part of the trip. so... welcome and enjoy.
Acum 13 ani
Un comentariu:
verutza....pare ft tare acolo...dar pari un pic lost asa...m-am tot uitat p blog, ba la tine, ba la ioana, pt k mi s pare ft misto k share-uiti experienta si simt k descopar si eu un pic ce-i p acolo impreuna cu voi...so, eu si 'da pigeons' ramasi acasa, n gandim la voi si knd o bogdan o sa aibe din nou acces liber in expirat, o sa bem pt tine si o sa-i prindem p aia cu kre v-ati batut sa le-o dam bine..sau ne-o mai luam odata :P...puuuup, monica
P.S.kre e id-ul tau d mess? sau d fapt ti-l las p al meu sa ma add tu dak e: mini_meenoo ;)
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